What Hope Meadows Foundation Clients are Saying

Video Testimonials


Comments about “Mind Time” Adolescent Groups:

“I was stressed before started group. I have been calmer. I use the breathing techniques. The group has calmed me a lot. My grades went up during group.” -Attendee

“It was wonderful. My daughter came home every time very excited. Talking about what she learned. She couldn't wait to go back.” -Parent

“I have been focusing & steadying my breathing....when I have negative feelings. I have noticed I have had barely any school absences when I use to have 1 a week.” -Attendee

“Since participating, I’ve noticed my child has more willingness to initiate and complete expected daily tasks and obligations. She has been staying more positive and avoiding negative self talk.” -Parent

Learn More About Our Youth Programming

Comments About Our Healthcare Worker Wellness Groups

“I am so grateful for this process, to the facilitators, and the horses that are teachers who speak in many ways without words.” -Healthcare Wellness Attendee

“Really nice program. Thanks, and keep it up!” -Healthcare Wellness Attendee

“I was surprised that I felt so much of a release. I've always connected with animals and this proved without a doubt the magnitude of the reception I had in their ability to change my perception.” -Healthcare Wellness Attendee

Learn More About Our Healthcare Groups


“Great therapy. Should be mandatory for all first responders.” -First Responder Wellness Attendee

“Absolutely needed by anyone working a stressful job” -First Responder Wellness Attendee

Interacting with the horses made me feel like I could step away from the stresses in life” -First Responder Wellness Attendee

The training did not disappoint. It was well received by my staff and we seemed to all leave the training feeling better.” -First Responder Wellness Attendee