Youth Programming

Adolescent Equine Assisted Therapy Groups

Equine-assisted social-emotional learning (SEL) and life skills programs offer a unique and engaging approach to supporting the social, emotional, and cognitive development of youth, empowering them with valuable skills and insights that can benefit them throughout their lives.

Emotional regulation: Interacting with horses requires youth to manage their emotions effectively. Through activities such as grooming, leading, and riding horses, they can learn to recognize and regulate their feelings, promoting emotional well-being and resilience.

Empathy and compassion: Working with horses fosters empathy and compassion as youth learn to understand and respond to the needs and emotions of these gentle animals. This experience can translate into improved interpersonal relationships and greater empathy toward others.

Communication skills: Horses communicate primarily through nonverbal cues, which encourages youth to develop their nonverbal communication skills and become more attuned to subtle signals from others. Additionally, participating in group activities with horses promotes effective verbal communication and teamwork.

Self-esteem and confidence: Achieving goals and overcoming challenges in equine-assisted activities can boost youth's self-esteem and confidence. As they build positive relationships with horses and experience success in their interactions, they develop a sense of competence and self-assurance.

Responsibility and accountability: Caring for horses involves various responsibilities, such as feeding, grooming, and maintaining their living environment. Youth learn the importance of accountability and reliability as they take on these tasks, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility.

Problem-solving and decision-making: Equine-assisted activities often present youth with problem-solving challenges and decision-making opportunities. Whether navigating an obstacle course or leading a horse through a series of exercises, they develop critical thinking skills and learn to make informed choices.

Stress reduction and relaxation: Spending time outdoors and interacting with animals can have a calming effect on youth, reducing stress and promoting relaxation. Engaging in equine-assisted activities provides a therapeutic outlet for managing anxiety and improving overall well-being.

How Can Equine Therapy Help?

Since participating, I’ve noticed my child has more willingness to initiate and complete expected daily tasks and obligations. She has been staying more positive and avoiding negative self talk.
— Parent of Attendee

We add new dates periodically for our open Equine Assisted Therapy Groups. If our current group schedule or age range does not meet your needs, please send a request below to be notified about our upcoming youth programming options!

If you are attempting to schedule your child for one of our school district-specific closed groups, give our office a call and we will provide you with a direct link and instructions.