Equine Therapy for Adults

Let go of stress and practice self care

Equine-assisted counseling and life skills programs offer a holistic approach to mental health treatment, addressing the emotional, social, and psychological needs of adults in a supportive and therapeutic environment.

Emotional regulation: Interacting with horses in a therapeutic setting can help adults learn to recognize and regulate their emotions. Horses are sensitive animals that respond to human emotions, providing immediate feedback and opportunities for emotional expression and regulation.

Stress reduction: Spending time outdoors and engaging in activities with horses can promote relaxation and reduce stress levels. The calming presence of horses, coupled with the peaceful environment of a stable or pasture, can offer adults a respite from the pressures of daily life and help them unwind.

Self-awareness and insight: Working with horses can facilitate self-reflection and personal growth. As adults observe how horses respond to their actions and behaviors, they gain insight into their own thought patterns, emotional reactions, and communication styles, leading to greater self-awareness and understanding.

Relationship building: Developing a bond with a horse can be a powerful experience that fosters trust, connection, and intimacy. Adults who participate in equine-assisted counseling often report improvements in their relationships with others, as they learn to communicate more effectively, set boundaries, and cultivate healthy interpersonal dynamics.

Coping skills: Equine-assisted therapy teaches adults practical coping skills for managing mental health symptoms and improving overall well-being. Whether learning mindfulness techniques, relaxation exercises, or strategies for setting and achieving goals, adults gain valuable tools for coping with stress, anxiety, depression, and other challenges.

Confidence and empowerment: Overcoming obstacles and achieving goals in equine-assisted activities can boost adults' self-esteem and confidence. As they develop new skills, confront fears, and build positive relationships with horses, they gain a sense of empowerment and mastery that carries over into other areas of their lives.

Social support: Participating in equine-assisted counseling provides adults with a supportive and non-judgmental environment where they can connect with others who share similar struggles. Group sessions allow participants to share experiences, offer encouragement, and receive validation, fostering a sense of belonging and community.

How Can Equine Therapy Help?

We add new dates periodically for our Mind Time with Horses—- Adults group. If our current group schedule does not meet your needs, please send a request below to be notified about our upcoming programming options!